
What level of cleanliness does the clean room sandwich panel maintain in a controlled environment?

Update:08 May 2024

Clean room sandwich panels are designed to maintain a h […]

Clean room sandwich panels are designed to maintain a high level of cleanliness in controlled environments such as clean rooms. The cleanliness level that these panels can maintain depends on several factors, including:

The outer facings of clean room sandwich panels are typically smooth and non-porous, making them easy to clean and resistant to dust and contaminants. Stainless steel, aluminum, or galvanized steel facings are commonly used for their durability and cleanliness properties.

Proper sealing of joints and seams between panels is critical to prevent air leakage and ingress of contaminants. Sealants are applied to ensure airtightness and maintain the integrity of the clean room environment.

Stainless Steel Modular Panel

The materials used in the construction of clean room sandwich panels are selected for their compatibility with clean room requirements. They should be non-shedding, non-outgassing, and resistant to microbial growth to minimize contamination risks.

Clean room panels should be designed for easy cleaning and maintenance to ensure continued cleanliness. Smooth surfaces and minimal crevices or indentations reduce the risk of particle accumulation and facilitate cleaning procedures.

While clean room sandwich panels themselves do not filter air, they are part of a larger clean room system that includes HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems with appropriate filtration to control airborne contaminants.

Clean room sandwich panels play a crucial role in maintaining cleanliness in controlled environments by providing a clean and easily maintainable surface. When combined with proper air filtration, sealing, and cleaning protocols, they contribute to achieving the desired cleanliness level required for specific clean room applications, such as semiconductor manufacturing, pharmaceutical production, or biotechnology research.